Friday, May 20, 2011

MASA Town Hall Meeting Notes

Porch Storage

The USU Fire Marshal and Risk Management have ruled that current porch storage practices are creating safety issues.  Because our apartments and porches do not have sprinklers, we must take extra measures to reduce the risk of fire hazards.  Residents who currently have storage closets on their porch may continue to use this closet as long as the door remains closed.  Storage, including bikes, strollers, etc. may not block apartment doorways at anytime.  Residents need to maintain 36 inches of egress at all times.  Risk Management has also ruled that the current laundry lines on porches present a safety hazard as many are not stable and are at risk for falling.  Therefore, they have recommended that these laundry lines not be used for any purpose, including hanging of clothes.  Temporary clothes racks may be brought out for drying of clothes. 
Q: Can maintenance change the doors on the storage closet so that they open out, providing us with additional storage space?
 A: This has been discussed.  It was a bad design.  Facilities will talk with their construction crew and see what can be done.  The cost of re-framing the doors will need to be priced.  An update on this concern will be provided in the June MASA Gram.

Q: What type of storage will be permitted on porches?
A: Originally there were thoughts about not allowing any storage.  However, we came to an agreement with the Fire Marshal and Risk Management that a certain amount of storage could be allowed.  Items will need to be contained in large plastic totes (40 gallon tote is the maximum size allowed).  Totes may be stacked as high as the window and cannot exceed the decorative brick.  Wood, clothing, tarps, and books must be contained in plastic totes with lids.  No cardboard boxes will be permitted.

We would like to thank our fire marshals who have diligently worked with us and helped us take a reasonable approach on this issue.


We acknowledge the need to repair and replace playground equipment.  However, this is very costly.  We would be looking at $100,000 or more to replace our current playground equipment.  We appreciate the fundraising ideas that have been presented.  It is recommended that residents go to Area Government with these ideas.  Perhaps a long-term fundraising plan could be put together by Area Government and presented to the Executive Director to see what amount he could match. 

Q: I am very worried about the slides; would we be able to weld a metal bar or something so that kids don’t fall off the side of the slide?
A: Something does need to be done about the slides to make safer.  We will look into that.

Q: People drive really fast around WSV.  Is there a way that we could fence off the playground so that it is safer for children to play?
A: Great idea!  If we can fence off the playground then parents need to understand that children still need to be properly supervised!

WSV Storage

Residents at West Stadium Villa only have one exit from their apartment.  Therefore, storing items underneath the stairs create a huge fire hazard for these residents.  Housing-owned storage sheds may be moving to WSV to provide additional storage space.

Propane Tanks

Q: Where do you buy a five pound propane tank?
A: Jardine Petroleum or Cal Ranch. Allowing a five pound tank was another compromise that was made. 

Area Government

We have talked about creating an appeals process with Area Government, so that people can appeal to Area Government and have them address the problem with the proper authorities. They would be the body that would help us edit and update our handbook.

Q: What is the penalty for violating policies?
A: We are creating a specific handbook for MASA that will clarify policies and consequences.  Those who violate a policy will be spoken to by the RA.  The RA will document the violation and forward it to Shannon Jolley.  Shannon will follow-up with a letter the second time the policy is violated.  Failing to abide by the policy after these two warnings may result in a $100 non-compliance fine. 


Q: The vents in the bathroom are very loud! Is there anything that can be done?
A: If it is really loud then please submit a work order!


Please do not lock bikes to trees or plant by the gas meters! 

Q: Is it possible to put community gardens inside the triads?
A: We need to know that residents really want this and not just one or two.  We recommend that things like this go to Area Government so that the logistics can be worked out. We want to make sure that residents are behind it and willing to take care of the gardens before we look at the investment of irrigation.

Planter Boxes

Residents may have up to three pots in Aggie Village.  They need to be kept within the porch or within six inches of the porch and cannot be set on the sidewalk or grass (even temporarily for sunlight).  Residents who wish to have hanging plants or straddle planter boxes need to obtain permission from Shannon Jolley so that she can make sure that everything is secure.  Residents may also call Facilities to install up to two hooks for hanging plants and/or bikes.  Residents may need to pay the cost of the hooks. 

Air Conditioners

Q: It appears safer to have an air conditioner outside of the window. They leak and it would be way better to let it leak outside the window than inside on the walls and carpet. What could we do about that?
A: The main issue is the removal of screens. It also comes back to making sure that everything looks good.  However, this is something that the MASA coordination team can discuss further.  Perhaps if residents take the initiative to come to us with questions and installation alterations beforehand then we could try to work with them.

Child Supervision

Child supervision is a very complicated subject.  This is a very personal issue and everyone has a different standard.  Residents complained last semester that the child supervision policy was too strict. The proposed change offering a more lenient policy was met with negative feedback.  Residents recommended that children up to 8 or 10 years of age should have a parent with them at all times.  Residents agreed that a specific age needs to be identified so that the policy can be enforced more easily.  Residents also agreed that the policy should be consistent across all of MASA to prevent any confusion. 

Area Cleanup

Residents need to be responsible for their belongings that are being left out.  We are going to be intentional about property confiscation.  Items left out in the triads will be tagged and then confiscated.  Residents will have to pay a storage fee to get their item(s) returned and possibly meet with Shannon Jolley.  Items that are left out create an issue for grounds when they mow the lawns.  We also want to keep our area looking nice! Most areas will be doing area clean-up programs during May and June.

Q: Is the speed limit being enforced on East Stadium Drive?
A: A resident in the meeting got pulled over recently so the answer is yes! We will talk to the police about a reasonable set-up so that they are over there more consistently.  We can also talk to parking about putting up more speed limit signs.

Q: Is it possible to increase the speed limit on East Stadium Drive by the yellow overflow parking lot?
A: There are a couple of concerns with increasing the speed limit in that area.  First, people are constantly backing out; secondly, drivers most likely would not slow back down. 

Q: What feedback was received regarding the enforcement of the laundromat parking spaces?
A: We are only aware of one resident that was angry about the ticket that he received, and he had seen our signs and not responded to them correctly.  We have had mostly positive feedback from people who use the laundromat.

Sidewalk Driving

Q: Over by building 25, we have residents who are driving on the sidewalk. Can I write down the license plate number and report it to the MASA office?
A: Yes.  You should contact either Shannon Jolley or your RA.  If people take the initiative to come and ask for a permit then we are pretty lenient.  Shannon will meet with the Herald Journal by the end of May regarding their employees driving way too fast on the sidewalk when delivering papers.  FedEx is wonderful to work with us.  If you see maintenance staff driving too fast on the sidewalk then please call dispatch and they will take care of it. 


Q: Why is there an increase in the number of pets in the townhomes?
A: Pets are not allowed.  Companion animals may be approved through the Disability Resource Center for residents who need them.  There has been an increase in the number of approved service animals as a result of certain laws that have recently changed.  Because we do not allow pets, we cannot limit the types of service animal that residents may have.  Dogs must be supervised by an adult at all times and residents are responsible to clean up after their animals.  There is not a fine in place currently for those who do not clean up after their animal.  We can look at implementing policies for animal maintenance.  We are working on a policy that would require residents who have approved companion animals to meet with Shannon annually to ensure the facilities are being taken care of and that all policies are being followed.  This will help us keep track of approved companion animals as well.  Please contact Shannon Jolley or your RA if you see residents with animals so they can verify whether it is an approved animal. 

Feral Cats

Q: Can the feral cats’ feeding station be moved away from the townhomes?
A: We are actually trying to move the feeding station further away.  One challenge is finding a place where we will be able to keep an eye on them when they feed.  Otherwise we won’t know what cats need to be trapped.  Another challenge is keeping them out of the area they are moved from because they often will return.  Trapping and killing does not solve the problem either because it only opens up the territory for more cats! Residents can help by being aware of what they are storing on their porches and by not feeding them.  Volunteers are also needed! It is hard to get things done without manpower.  If you would like to volunteer to help with the Feral Cat program or if you are aware of people who are feeding the cats then please contact Shannon Jolley.  FYI: Cats hate the smell of citrus! 


Q: Can something be done about the see-through curtains in Aggie Village?
A: We will look into the cost of new curtains.  Residents may also put up their own as long as they use the existing hardware.

Housing Improvements

MASA has a coordination team who has developed a master plan for improvements throughout MASA.  However, they also love feedback from you! If there is something that you think would help increase resident retention then please contact Shannon Jolley or Area Government.

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