A Message from Your Area Coordinator
Shannon Jolley
Dear MASA Residents:
Happy New Year! It’s never too late to make a resolution and I’m resolving to take charge of my health. I hope you will join me in that goal by participating in MASA’s Biggest Loser! This will be our first year running this program and we have arranged for big prizes and even celebrity guests! Talk to your RA for more details…
In an effort to reduce the number of fliers posted in MASA, my new assistant, Hillaree Childs, has developed a MASA Blog. We will use this blog more and more to disperse information in our area. Check it out at: http://usumasa.blogspot.com/.
Parking has received some complaints about the parking spaces reserved for the laundry mat and community center. Residents are using these spaces for personal and overnight use. The MASA office will be working with Parking to better monitor and ticket these spaces between 10am-5pm, Monday-Saturday. If you have concerns with this, please contact me directly at shannon.jolley@usu.edu or 797-3263. Best wishes as you return to school!
A Note from your Area Government!
Welcome back! As your Area Government we look forward to this next semester and all the fun events that will be happening, but most of all we look forward to serving all of you and your families again. Below is a schedule for our next Area Government meetings. We invite everyone who wishes to get involved in their community and help make a difference here in family housing to join us at these meetings. If you would like more information about the MASA Area Government and how you can become a part of our committees please contact our Area Government Advisor (Kaitlyn Allen) at k.durb@aggiemail.usu.edu.
January 12th –Council Meeting at 7:30 pm in the MASA Office
January 19th – RHA General Council Meeting at 7:30 pm in the Lundstrom Building
January 26th –Council Meeting at 7:30 pm in the MASA Office
Facilities Spotlight
Mold comes in many forms and colors. Some species of mold can adversely affect your health, causing illness or allergic reactions to those who are sensitive. Mold can also damage or stain walls, shelves, and carpeting if left unattended. We strongly encourage all residents to follow these guidelines:
Keep all furniture, bedding, or storage at least 6 inches from exterior walls any time the weather may drop below 35 degrees (this also applies to items in the closets).
Use your fan/vent anytime you use steam (cooking / vaporizers / hot showers / etc).
Wipe out all windowsills and do not allow water or condensation to pool.
Keep your thermostat set at or above 65 degrees (never lower even while on vacation).
Open doors and windows for 15 minutes per day to allow for fresh air flow.
Clean all mold up as soon as it is noticed; Housing provides a mold cleanup kit to assist residents, call 797-3117 to use it.
Front Office Reminders
This is a friendly reminder that sidewalk permits are necessary in order to drive on the sidewalk. You may get a sidewalk permit from the MASA office if you are moving in or moving out. Failure to obtain a sidewalk permit may result in a ticket. Thanks for your cooperation in this matter!
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