Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Dear MASA Residents,

I want to thank everyone for doing their best to comply with our updated Housing policies. I am updating the MASA Handbook and will have it posted online by the time the July MASA Gram goes out. I appreciate your patience and support.

Our area is a great place to live but there is still room for improvement. I have had residents come to me with suggestions for increasing our community gardens, replacing our playground equipment, and improving our parking lots. I am actively pursuing solutions to all of these issues and appreciate any help or ideas you have to offer.

One issue the MASA staff continues to address is resident communication. There is a lot of information to be dispersed on a university campus. We know that residents dislike finding multiple fliers on their doors. At the same time, some residents do not feel comfortable sharing their emails.  My staff has come up with a few ways to meet you in the middle. First, we will be posting a monthly events calendar in your stairwells or on your mailboxes so you can see upcoming activities at a glance. Second, we hope to increase our use of the MASA Blog at http://usumasa.blogspot.com/. Third, some RAs are creating distribution lists for their area so items like the monthly MASA Gram can be sent electronically. If you prefer electronic communication, please contact your RA with your email address.

Thank you for living on campus!

Shannon Jolley


The USU Fire Marshal’s Office has been asked by MASA to address a concern with the use of aluminum foil on stove tops. 

The International Fire Code does not provide a code which specifically prohibits the use of aluminum foil on your stove tops.  Recently, however, we have had a fire due to the fact that the aluminum foil on the stove was allowed to accumulate a large amount of grease and oil.  This event is a concern and illustrates the fire hazard associated with the practice of using aluminum foil on stove tops.  

The USU Fire Marshal’s Office does not recommend the use of aluminum foil on your stove tops.   If you choose to use aluminum foil, we suggest that you change the aluminum foil often, in order to limit the amount of grease and oil build up and to help eliminate the risk of fire. Never put aluminum foil on the stove vents or burners which could cause other fire risks. 

One risk associated with grease fires is, when ignited, the fire can spread rapidly. If you have grease build up on your stove, counter, or walls around the stove, once ignited it has the potential to spread creating a larger fire. 

It is good practice to clean your stove and the areas surrounding the stove after cooking.  If you do have a grease fire, never try to extinguish the fire with water.  Placing water on the fire will cause the fire to react violently. The use of water could also potentially push the fire and aid in spreading the fire. 

In the case of a fire that is in a pot or pan, you can smother the fire by putting the lid on the pot.  If the fire is on your stove top, or too hot to put a lid on, you will want to use your fire extinguisher. In any case your fire extinguisher is your best choice in extinguishing the fire. 

When it comes to grease fires, prevention is always the safest practice. Have a fun and safe summer!

Ben Berezay

Update: Residents may use their large propane tanks for up to five hours as long as they are used at least 10 feet away from the building and NOT stored on porches or balconies (must be removed to off-campus storage)!

Update: Five pound propane tanks can be found at C-A-L Ranch Stores.

    Toddler Time will be held on Fridays from 3-4pm in the Aggie Village Community Center.

    The MASA Office will be introducing a brand new library later in the month.

    Cloverbuds Preschool is looking for gently used toys. If you have some you would like to donate contact the MASA Office
    at 797-3275.

    Translators needed! Contact Shannon Jolley at 797-3263if you are fluent in any language and would like to assist the MASA

    Solicitors have been seen around Aggie Village lately.  If you see any solicitors going door to door then please contact USU
    police immediately at 797-1939.

    Check out the new stairwell calendar. New calendars will be posted each month in your stairwell so you know exactly what i
    is going on throughout the month! This will help minimize the number of fliers posted on your door.  The only door fliers
    that you will receive are MASA Grams, letters approved by the Director, notifications from maintenance, and
    safety/cleaning inspection letters.

    MASA does not currently have a donation drop-off center.  Residents are responsible for taking any usable items to a
    donation center in town. Large, unusable items may be set next to (not in front of) the dumpsters on Saturdays, Sundays, or
    Monday mornings (before 8am) ONLY!

New MASA RAs! Welcome Jimmy and Ying Lu in Aggie Village 7-9 and Ian and Jocelyn James in Aggie Village 37-39.

Resident Questions

Resident Question: Bike racks in the Townhouses are not currently offered because it is difficult to find central locations that would not be on lawns.
Resident Question: RAs will NOT be checking under BBQ covers! Residents assume risk for any damage that may result from improper storage of propane tanks.
Resident Question: Short-term storage of cardboard boxes on porches/balconies while moving is permitted for up to 72 hours. We cannot allow longer than 72 hours as cardboard is a fire hazard.

Better Homes & Families Class

When: Tuesdays 5 – 6:30pm
Where: Extension Center Classroom (Aggie Village Community Center)
Come and learn about cooking, crafts, photography, Home décor and couponing for FREE!
Classes will be taught by Stephanie Hyde and Melinda Lyon
Everyone is welcome

The Aggies Think, Care, Act award goes to Jordan and Yvette Tait! Congratulations! Thank you for making a difference in your community!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


We will be making smoothies and having a recipe exchange so bring your favorite recipe!


No children please!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer Extension Class Update

Extension is offering THREE new summer classes:
Fridays 3-4pm
Tuesdays 5-6pm
1ST & 3RD Thursday 8-9pm

Doodle Art Alley - Fine Arts Academy has been cancelled.  It will resume in the Fall!